Lock In More Profits

The difference between average returns and consistently scoring big wins is knowing when to sell.

ProfitLocker Pro graphs each position in your portfolio with the recommended trading stop automatically displayed. This is your “line in the sand” to sell the stock when it reaches the stop-price.

VectorVest wants to help you lock in more profits.

All investors hate losing money. And worse yet, losing gains! There’s nothing more frustrating than buying the right stock, at the right time, watching your stock go on a big run. But before you can sell it, the stock drops and you lose a big part or all of that run. You end up where you started even though you picked a winning stock. NEVER AGAIN!

The most profitable investors know exactly when to lock in their profits every time. And they do this with a simple system. No emotion. No doubt. Just your opportunity for consistently strong profits.

With ProfitLocker Pro you’ll get a clear signal when it’s time to exit a position so you can maximize profits

PROOF: Two quick examples of ProfitLocker beating traditional stop losses.

APA was purchased on March 20th of 2020. ProfitLocker Pro’s Recommended Stop would have kept you in for a run of 41 days, getting you out with a 138% profit! At the same time, a 10% trailing stop would have locked in a 10% loss after just 4 days.

ABMD was also purchased on March 20th of 2020. ProfitLocker Pro’s Recommended Stop would have kept you in for 124 days, alerting you to sell and capturing a 127% gain! Had you used a 10% trailing stop; you would have locked in an 8.7% loss after only 4 days.

Try it FREE!

  • 30 days FREE!

    then $99/month

    ProfitLocker Pro will:

    Automatically set stops customized for each position in your portfolio.

  • Identify any stocks you should sell to take profits or cut losses.

  • Display and track your stop on a chart.

  • Monitor your portfolio and alert you whenever it’s time to exit a position.

  • Eliminate emotion, stress or trading anxiety for the next 30-days for free.


  • GET ProfitLocker Pro