Protecting You From Losses

ProfitLocker Pro automatically chooses the right stop for your stock. It is entirely free of any conflicts of interest or quotas or back office ties to specific companies. So you get unbiased, objective, factual information on when exactly to sell. It’s based on our proven successful, proprietary algorithm designed to maximize profits in that particular stock at that particular time…while PROTECTING YOU FROM LOSSES before they get out of hand.

Try it FREE!

  • 30 days FREE!

    then $99/month

    ProfitLocker Pro will:

    Automatically set stops customized for each position in your portfolio.

  • Identify any stocks you should sell to take profits or cut losses.

  • Display and track your stop on a chart.

  • Monitor your portfolio and alert you whenever it’s time to exit a position.

  • Eliminate emotion, stress or trading anxiety for the next 30-days for free.


  • GET ProfitLocker Pro